Why so quiet?

So it’s nearly two months since I posted anything here. It’s not that there’s anything wrong. There’s no crisis, but sometimes in the busyness of pastoring a small church, taking regular assemblies, serving as a governor at a school and as a charity trustee there just isn’t time for anything else.

Also I don’t just want to blog for the sake of blogging. There are myriad voices out there sharing their hot takes on the latest whatever. Sometimes I just don’t have a lot to say.

But there is also another reason. This is not my primary calling, it’s not even my secondary and tertiary calling. I blog to help write myself clear on something, I post it because it may be of help to others. I blog to try to help me think things through biblically not because I have answers. Another pastor said some time ago that blogging was a great way to build a platform and get people to know about what we are doing. I’m not convinced.

There are however a few blog posts coming. One on marriage. One on the Medhurst weekender, and potentially one on Keswick.

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